Winnipeg School of Communication

Thesis & Dissertation Collection

Alford, Wallace Wayne. “A Force For Education: The National Association of Educational Broadcasters, 1954–1965” (PhD dissertation, George Peabody College for Teachers, 1965).

Amit, Shimon. “McLuhan’s Theory and the Metaphorical Construction of the Body in the Life Sciences” (PhD dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2012).

Bolas, Terry. “The Screen Education Years 1960–1982: The Academic Accession of the Abject” (PhD dissertation, Middlesex University, 2007).

Buckwold, Jarad. “Of Space, Time, and the Archives Between: The Life of Hugh A. Taylor and the Redefinition of the Archival Cosmos” (M.A. thesis, University of Manitoba, 2016).

Carriere, Ernest Pierre. “Marshall McLuhan’s Social and Educational Ideas” (Ed.D dissertation, University of Nebraska, 1971).

Chrystall, Andrew. “The New American Vortex: Explorations of McLuhan” (PhD dissertation, Massey University, 2007).

Collopy, Peter Sachs. “The Revolution will be Videotaped: Making a Technology of Consciousness in the Long 1960s” (PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 2015).

Crowell, Roxie Anne. “Teilhard, Love-energy and Ecological Consciousness” (M.A. thesis, Vancouver School of Theology, 2006).

Darroch, Michael. “Theatre and the Materialities of Communication” (PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2006).

Davidowitz, Moshe. “Time and Space Bias in Media: Clarifying A Communication Theory of Harold Adams Innis” (PhD dissertation, New York University, 1977).

Davis, Eric. “High Weirdness: Visionary Experience in the Seventies Counterculture” (PhD dissertation, Rice University, 2015).

Dengler, Ralph W. “‘Hot’ & ‘Cool’ Catechesis: A Content Analysis of Technological Determinism in Selected Sixteenth Century and Twentieth Century Texts Based on the General Inquirer System” (PhD dissertation, New York University, 1972).

Eardley-Pryor, Roger. “The Global Environmental Moment: Sovereignty and American Science on Spaceship Earth, 1945–1974” (PhD dissertation, University of California, 2014).

Edan, Tina. “St. Marshall, Mass and the Media: Catholicism, Media Theory and Marshall McLuhan” (M.A. thesis, Concordia University, 2003)

Facchina, Laureano Ralon. “Beyond Categorization: Marshall McLuhan, Technological Determinism, and Social Science Methodology—a Reappraisal” (M.A. thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2003).

Fekete, John. “Marshall McLuhan: A Study in the Determinist Fetishism of Technology” (M.A. thesis, McGill University, 1969).

Flayhan, Donna Paul. “Marxism, Medium Theory, and American Cultural Studies: The Question of Determinism” (PhD dissertation, University of Iowa, 1997).

Georgiadou, Elisabeth. “Marshall McLuhan’s ‘global village’ and the Internet” (M.A. thesis, University of Kent at Canterbury, 1995).

Glenfield, Mary Ross. “The Growth of Theatre in Edmonton: From the Early 1920s to 1965” (M.A. thesis, University of Alberta, 2001).

Greene, Rosemary Michele. “Marshall McLuhan’s Theory of the Media Environment” (M.A. thesis, University of Texas at El Paso, 1988).

Hauer, Michael P. “Communication: Teilhard and Vatican II” (M.A. thesis, University of Ottawa, 1969).

Jeffrey, Liss. “The Heat and the Light of Marshall McLuhan: A 1990s Reappraisal” (PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1997).

Kim, Joesph A. “Marshall McLuhan’s Theological Anthropology” (PhD dissertation, Dallas Theological Seminary, 2010).

Leverette, Marc. “The Middle Place: Mediation and the (Im)possibility of Center” (PhD dissertation, University of New Jersey, 2006).

Lopez, Antonio R. “Greening the Media Literacy Ecosystem: Situating Media Literacy for Green Cultural Citizenship” (PhD dissertation, Prescott College, 2013).

Maggio, Nicole. “The Whole Earth as Village: A Chronoptic Analysis of Marshall McLuhan’s ‘Global Village’ and Patrick McGoohan’s The Prisoner” (M.A. thesis, Brock University, 2008).

McCafferty, Richard Basil. “The Influence of Teilhard de Chardin on Marshall McLuhan” (PhD dissertation, Northwestern University, 1969).

Melczak, Michael. “Smoke and Mirrors: A Cultural-Psychological Analysis of Tobacco Use” (PhD Dissertation, Duquesne University, 2007).

Monica, Francesco. “Outline of a Subversive Technopoetic: For a Libertarian Pedartgogy” (PhD dissertation, University of Plymouth, 2013).

Nevitt, Barrington. “Design of Linear Electrical Networks to Produce Waves of Given Shape from Impressed Square Waves” (M.A. thesis, McGill University, 1945).

Nicholl, Gordon. “Wyndham Lewis: Critical Intelligence” (M.A. thesis, McGill University, 1995).

Nystrom, Christine L. “Toward a Science of Media Ecology: The Formulation of Integrated Conceptual Paradigms for the Study of Human Communication Systems” (PhD dissertation, New York University, 1973).

Onufrijchuk, Roman Fedorovych. “Object as Vortex: Marshall McLuhan & Material Culture as Media of Communication” (PhD dissertation, Simon Fraser University, 1998).

Perrin, Robin Terese. “From Cambridge to Communication: McLuhan Beyond McLuhanism” (M.A. thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1991).

Persky, Joel. “The Relationship Between the Writings of Harold Adams Innis and Marshall McLuhan” (PhD dissertation, New York University, 1975).

Powe, B.W. “Critical Agon, Apocalyptic Orchestration: Conflict and Complementarity in the Thought and Writings of Marshall McLuhan and Northrop Frye” (PhD dissertation, York University, 2009).

Precoda, Karl. “The Barbarian Moment: Southern New Criticism and Social Change” (PhD dissertation, Humboldt State University, 1990).

Rae, Alice. “McLuhan’s Unconscious” (PhD dissertation, University of Adelaide, 2008).

Schuchardt, Read Mercer. “Economy: The Medieval Catholic Symbol System and Contemporary Corporate Marketing, Branding, and Advertising” (PhD dissertation, New York University, 2005).

Shepperd, Josh. “Electric Education: How the Media Reform Movement Built Public Broadcasting in the United States, 1934–1952” (PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013).

Shyba, Lori M. “Messaging in the Noosphere: Theatre Art, Integrated Media, and Human-Computer Interaction” (M.A. thesis, University of Calgary, 2004).

Singer, Georges F. “Art Education and Marshall McLuhan” (PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 1987).

Stamps, Judith. “Negative Dialogues: A Study of Harold Innis and Marshall McLuhan in the Light of the Negative Dialectics of Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin” (PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 1991).

Strachan, Jeremy James. “Music, Communications, Place: Udo Kasemets and Experimentalism in 1960s Toronto” (PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 2015).

Strate, Lance Adam. “Heroes and Humans: An Examination of the Relationship Between Media Environments and Conceptions of the Hero” (PhD dissertation, New York University, 1991).

Striegel, James Finley. “Marshall McLuhan on Media” (PhD dissertation, Ohio: Union Graduate School, 1978).

Thomas, Alan Miller. “A Concept of the Audience: An Examination of the Work of Harold A. Innis With Respect to its Application to the Development of Broadcasting” (PhD dissertation, Columbia University, 1964).

Tiessen, Paul Gerrard. “Cinema: The Medium as Metaphor in the Work of Wyndham Lewis and Dorothy Richardson” (PhD dissertation, University of Alberta, 1973).

Tremblay, M. Anthony. “Ezra Pound and Marshall McLuhan: A Meditation on the Nature of Influence” (PhD dissertation, University of New Brunswick, 1995).

van der Hoven, Anton. “The Invention of Practical Criticism: I.A. Richards and the Development of Literary Explication” (PhD dissertation, Northwestern University, 1983).

Warm, Richard. “Leading Deeply: A Heroic Journey Toward Wisdom and Transformation” (PhD dissertation, Antioch University, 2011).

Watt, Doreen Greeta. “Wilfred Watson’s Plays: The Search for a New Theatre Form” (M.A. thesis, University of Alberta, 1983).

Willmott, Glen Allan. “Marshall McLuhan: From Modernism to Minimalism” (PhD dissertation, Duke University, 1992).

Winsen, Lizzy van. “McLuhanitis: The reception of Marshall McLuhan in the Netherlands in the 1960s” (PhD dissertation, Utrecht University/Potsdam University, 2008).