The Winnipeg School of Communication is an educational initiative that aims to enhance language, literacy, and communication skills by way of providing effective training in textual analysis to teachers and students of culture, technology, and the environment. The Winnipeg School believes in educating students about media—specifically their use and abuse, their often-invisible side effects, and especially their unintended consequences.
The Winnipeg School of Communication bridges the gap between conventional academic approaches to the study of media and the real-time experiences of people in their everyday lives. The School lends a non-partisan voice to the call for a recovery of human scale and human values by fostering awareness of the full range of effects that accompany current levels of worldwide media involvement. Through conversation and education, it aims to mitigate their toll on individual mental health, personal well-being, community life, and the biosphere. It also avails of the deep wells of wisdom that have been made available for the generations to draw upon in pursuing a way through the often confusing, contradictory, and biased messaging about media and communications technology in contemporary societies.
In addition to what you will find on this website—including the publications of the Winnsox journal, our blog, podcasts, resources, and ongoing research—the Winnipeg School of Communication provides a range of services to support agile, flexible and creative communities. We facilitate live workshops, retreats, and educational programming for schools, businesses, and private groups. We act in an advisory and consultative role for media literacy programs, school curricula, policy-makers, and community partners. We help businesses grow forward with improved customer satisfaction and employee retention by guiding them on knowledge management and transfer issues, the problems of the intergenerational workplace, soft-skills training, and work-culture dynamics. We also provide commentary for journalists and media outlets upon request. Contact us today.